This is an excellent time to perform rituals involving purification, business success, study, employment, breaking addictions, travel, releasing guilt and jealousy, healing diseases, and the conscious mind.

This is the best time for rituals involving magickal energy, physical energy and strength, protection, money, and courage.

This is the time for breaking addictions, weight-loss, banishing misery and pain, transforming anguish and negative habits.

The best time for rituals involving beauty, dreams, psychism, spirituality, sleep, sex, purification, love, friendships, peace, releasing stress, healing wounds, and the subconscious mind.

Solar Eclipse (When the Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun)
Any type of magick is acceptable.


  ©Coven of the Raven's Call 2001. Nothing may be removed from this site without written permission from CRC's Inner Circle. Graphic Designs by Crystal Ravenwolf.