Waxing Moon (From 1 to 13 days after the New Moon)
When the moon is waxing, it is a time for beginnings, health and healing, psychic awareness, beauty, and fertility. It is a time of new beginnings.

Full Moon (14 days after the New Moon)
When the moon is full, magickal spells performed include protection, love, healing, purification, psychic awareness, money, and travel.

Waning Moon (From 1 to 13 days after the Full Moon)
This is the time for banishments of negative habits, addictions, disease, and negative thoughts. Jealousy, guilt, and old hurts are released under the waning moon.

Void Of Course Moon (When the Moon enters a new sign)
Avoid doing any important magick work while the moon is void of course. Don't do any major magick work and don't complete any magick work.

Blue Moon (When there are two Full Moons in one month)
Here you can set specific long term goals and review your accomplishments and failures.

Lunar Eclipse (When the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon)
Any type of magick is acceptable.

To prepare a moon cord:

Use a length of colored wool about two feet in length. Use three different colors one for New and Waxing Moon, Full Moon and one for Wanning and Dark Moon. To prepare cord for appropriate Moon phase, light your Goddess candle amd sit at your altar or work table, or go outside and work under the Moon (in privacy). State your Alignments and call upon the Aspect of the Goddess who rules the phase you wish to put into cord. Have your athame for this and draw the Moon into the cord, drawing a pentagram over the face of the Moon, or over candle flame,then trace a line of power from the Moon or flame into your cord, stating Words of Power to this effect

For New and Waxing Moon

(State Aignments)
By the One Power
Working for and through me
I hereby call on you Diana,
To enter this cord with your power
To charge this cord
Enter this cord
Stay in this cord
To aid me in my work
At appropriate times
As these knots are tied
then tie knots in the cord, placing them equal spaces apart and using the ninth knot to tie the cord into a circle.


Place this circle on altar encircling your Goddess candle and leave it htere for a bit.

Now it is ready for use.

Hold it in your hand or place it around your Goddess candle whenever using it in work.

written by: Marion Weinstein


  ©Coven of the Raven's Call 2001. Nothing may be removed from this site without written permission from CRC's Inner Circle. Graphic Designs by Crystal Ravenwolf.