MYSTICAL lAWS: LAW OF KNOWLEDGE: To effect/affect a thing, you must know the thing. The more you know about yourself, the more you can know something else. LAW OF IDENTIFICATION: With your will you can become anything, be one with anything. (our tool is the brain) LAW OF CONTAGION: Anything that has been in contact with something else maintains contact with that thing through the ether LAW OF NAMES: Knowing the True Name of something defines the action you take to focus a function on that thing. LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT: Under exactly the same conditions using the same actions you will always obtain that same results. LAW OF INFINATE DATA: There is more in the universe than we can sense or know. Learning never stops! LAW OF ASSOCIATION: If a thing reminds you of something else it can be used as a simulacrum for that something else for magickal purposes. LAW OF INFINATE UNIVERSES: Changing your perspective in one area and you change your universe. There are always three choices available. LAW OF INVOCATION AND EVOCATION: There are forces outside and inside of you that you can tap and direct through your brain. LAW OF PRAGMATISM: If it works, it is true. LAW OF PREDESTINATION AND FREE WILL: Events are predestined, each person chooses whether and to what extent to participate in them. LAW OF POLARITY: Everything contains and implies its opposite.